How often to you volunteer (serve) in the community

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Winning Shot


Education isn't the filling of the pail, but a lighting of a fire.
William Butler Yeats

2004 7-9 Year Old FaithWorld Champions
Many of you know Frontline's  mission is to prepare tomorrow's leaders with a vision of success and service. Beyond the rhetoric what does that really mean in the everyday world? The Frontline mission is captured  in the story of Tre' Woodley and Aviree Anderson. Tre' and the team he coaches won  the 7-9 year old Junior Magic Citywide championship for the second year in a row on April 13, 2013.  A 17 year old high school senior he coaching in a league with coaches twice his age. Tre' started as a 7-9 Junior Magic player 10 years ago and came to Frontline when he was three as a preschool student and progressed through The After School Experience, Character Academy and the Leadership Academy. Aviree Anderson a current after school student started at Frontline when he was three months old in the infant preschool class and grew up watching Tre' play on Junior Magic teams and high school basketball and couldn't wait until he was old enough to play.

In the Championship Game Frontline was losing 13 to 14 with 11 seconds left in overtime. The ball was passed to Tahedrick Walker who then whipped it over to Aviree on the right side 8 feet from the basket who tossed in the winning shot to win his first championship.

If this was a story just about basketball that would be the end. It is rather a beginning a story about two young men exploring God's purpose for their lives and in the process becoming good students and leaders in their own community. Aviree will succeed in sports and life just as Tre' prepares to enter college this fall to begin the next chapter of his life. Both will change the world because they learned to lead and serve at Frontline as young people.

Let us never forget that Frontline (and your) work is to help hundreds of "Tre's" and "Avirees" find the same purpose through relationships and the ability to lead so that they can change the world. It starts by entering school ready, becoming competent at grade level and learning to lead. That's what your regular and consistent gifts enable the Frontline team to do. Please make a gift online at or by mail at PO Box 555445, Orlando, Florida 32855 by June to help us start the summer strong. Your help is greatly appreciated. Blessings!

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